Tuesday 18 August 2015

Five Simple Ways To Be A Team Player

It certainly is amazing what a little teamwork can accomplish!

However, there are many among us who just can’t seem to work together as a team! Here are the five golden rules to be followed by every team player.

1. Never breach deadlines!

There’s nothing like a deadline to get you going on all four cylinders! However, it’s always a good practice to finish your work on time. Moreover, when you are working within a team, you should be punctual in finishing your work because someone else is beginning to start his work as soon as you finish yours! After all, a team work is a step-by-step work!

2. Always be candid!

When you are candid, you ensure that your team members stop short of pitfalls well in advance because of your warnings! After all, suggestions and constructive criticisms are two of the key requirements for any good team player.

3. Learn to adapt quickly!

With the advancement in technologies, change is a constant reality in the way you work along with your team members. Some hurdle or hassle is bound to arise and they require you to change your working method completely by adapting new outlooks and following new methods.

4. Be open to multiple styles of work!

Within a team, one individual may be good at one thing, while another individual may be good at another. Sometimes, their expertise conflict and the flow of work comes to a halt until a mutually agreed solution is not reached. This should not be the case in a team with each member being aware about the working styles of others and having an impartial outlook. After all, completing the work is more important than satisfying personal agendas.

5. Say a strong NO to politics!

Politics is the demise of every team with a hoard of non-related elements being brought into the sphere of working. For example, one person within a team is frequently irritated from another; therefore, when both of them work together, they end up in fighting and not working.

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